The student council will be participating in a collection drive for
Congenital Heart Disease,
and we need your help! (donations 10/30-12/20)
Congenital heart defect is one of the most common types of birth defects.
Symptoms include abnormal heart rhythms, blue-tinted skin, shortness of breath, failure to feed or develop normally, and swollen body tissue or organs.
Treatments include medications to lower blood pressure and control heart rate, heart devices, catheter procedures, and surgery. Serious cases may require a heart transplant.
From a Franklin Parent:
“After my son passed away we created an organization called Joey's Warriors. We do donations in his honor twice a year, Christmas Eve and his birthday. Because they already receive so many toy donations during the holidays we usually donate items for the parents who stay with their children in the hospital. The organization that runs Goryeb Children's Hospital in Morristown will accept health and beauty aids. We deliver these items along with food for families staying with their child as well as the nurses, doctors, and staff on Christmas Eve. Thank you so much for doing this. The families really appreciate the generosity.
- deodorant
- tissues
- brushes (or Wet Brushes)
- chapstick
- detangler
- nail polish
- hair ties
- bubble tumblers
- flip flops
These items will be brought to the hospital by the family and members of the Joey’s Warriors organization on Christmas Eve. To learn more about Joey’s Warriors please visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/JoeysWarriors.”