Franklin Borough School
Health Office
Mrs. Sabrina Mohammed

Atlantic Health System is launching a COVID-19 public-facing hotline designed to assist members of our community who are concerned that they or a loved one may have been exposed to or have symptoms of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Daily COVID-19 Health Screening - To ensure the health and safety of all students and staff at Franklin Borough School, parents/guardians are asked to evaluate your child/ren’s health each day prior to sending them to school. Any of the symptoms below could indicate a COVID-19 infection in children and may put your child/ren at risk for spreading illness to others. Please note that this list does not include all possible symptoms, and children with COVID-19 may experience any, all, or none of these symptoms.
If your child/ren has two or more of the following symptoms, please keep your child/ren home and notify the school for further instructions: Chills, Shivers, Muscle Aches, Headache, Sore Throat, Fatigue or Congestion.
If your child/ren has at least one of the following symptoms, please keep your child/ren home and notify the school for further instructions: Fever greater than 100.4°, Nausea/Vomiting, Diarrhea, Cough, Shortness of Breath, Difficulty Breathing, New Loss of Smell, or New Loss of Taste.
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Nurse Screening Hotline will be staffed by trained Atlantic Health System nurses who will triage calls from patients and help guide their next steps in seeking care. Callers with clinical symptoms of concern or travel/exposure concerns will be connected with dedicated AMG physicians to assist in evaluation and triage.
The hotline will initially operate seven days a week from 7:00am to 7:00pm beginning March 11, at 862-260-3199.
Please share this important information.
Letter to Parents regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Link to CDC for more information:
Attn: Parents
If your child takes or needs medication, a medication form needs to be completed every year by his/her physician.
Thank you!
New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) mandates that all children 6 through 59 months of age attending any licensed child care center or preschool facility (including pre-kindergarten) receive at least one dose of influenza (flu) vaccine between September 1 and December 31 of each year (N.J.A.C. 8:57-4.19). Students who have not received the flu vaccine by December 31 must be excluded from school for the duration of influenza season (through March 31), until they receive at least one dose of the flu vaccine or until they turn 60 months of age (5 years old).
Universal guideline for managing students with food allergies
Self-Administer Form
Administer in School Form
Student Asthma Treatment Plan
Food Allergy Action Plan
A School Nurse’s Guide to Kids’
Health and Safety

ATTENTION PARENTS: Did your child come home with a vision referral from the health office?
Do you need assistance getting an eye exam and or glasses? If you do not have vision insurance or Medicaid you may be eligible for the SIGHT FOR STUDENTS VSP Program. Please call Mrs. Mohammed for more details at (973) 827-9775 x 7219.
Vision correction can have a dramatic impact on a child’s ability to learn, participate in sports and form a positive self- image.
Welcome to the Franklin Borough School
Health Office!
New Immunization Requirements
As part of the health services program, the following assessments are administered to students in grades pre-school through eight:
- Vision screening;
- Audiometric testing; and
- Height and weight.
If any of these assessments are not within normal, a referral form will be sent home. Please use this form when following up with your physician, and return it to the health office. This will ensure that your child’s health record is accurate and complete.
Please keep the health office up to date with accurate contact numbers. If your child is ill or injured, it is extremely important that I can contact parents or significant others.
Scoliosis screenings will be performed on students in grades 4, 6, and 8.
Pupils requiring medication at school must have a written physician’s order that states it may be dispensed by the school nurse. Forms may be downloaded on this site. Medications must be in a properly labeled container from a pharmacy . The parent/guardian must bring in the medication to the health office with the proper form.
Please advise the school nurse of any drug prescribed for your child by the family physician because it might alter his or her behavior. It is important to have an open line of communication so the school nurse may provide the best care possible. If your child comes into the office, it is essential that the school nurse understands all medications that your child is taking.
If your child is asthmatic, it is very important that he or she have an asthma action plan. This will ensure that your child gets the mediation and care that he or she will need in case of an asthma attack. This form may be downloaded on the forms section of this website. Please take it to your pediatrician and have them fill out this form.
What to do if you get Flu-Like symptoms: click the CDC link below:
•HPV Vaccine Information
The State of New Jersey has required that school districts distribute information regarding the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) to parents of all students in seventh grade. Please click on the following link for information about HPV :HPV Vaccine Info.
•Meningitis Vaccine Information
The State of New Jersey has required that school districts distribute information to parents of all students in sixth grade about meningococcal meningitis. Please click on the following link. Meningococcal FAQ
Meningitis Vaccine Info.
Pediculosis - General facts regarding lice can be reviewed at link below.
Pediculosis Link
Click here to watch YouTube video titled Head Lice Removal Combing Techniques.
Important Information for Parents of Fifth Grade Students
The following are the new immunization requirements for children born on or after January 1, 1997 and entering 6th grade.
- One dose of Tdap vaccine (taetanus, diptheria, accellular pertussis) given no earlier than the child's 10th birthday. [However, if in the past five years your child received a Td vaccine (tetanus) or Dtap (diptheria, tetanus, accellular pertussis vaccine for children less than 7 years old) at their doctor's office or in a hospital emergency room, he/she will not need the Tdap vaccine until 5 years have passed.]
- One dose of meningococcal vaccine.
This the first day of school in September, you will have to provide the school nurse with either proof that your child has received the Tdap vaccine or proof that your child has had the Td or Dtap within the past five years. You will also need to provide proof that your child has received the meningococcal vaccine.
Failure to do so will result in exclusion form school until the immunization requirement is met. Please note that this exclusion provision is set by the state and cannot be waived. Please be sure that your child visits your family doctor soon to get the man